How do I change my mailbox password?

The Quick Way

If you can remember your email password then the quickest way to update your email password is to just go to the webmail login page and click on change password.

The OTHER way

If you can't remember your password or want to update passwords for people in your organisation then you can do this from your eXtend control panel.

First, log into your eXtend control panel. This is where you maintain your website hosting settings and also mailboxes.

Go to:

Enter your domain (eg: and the password you were given when you signed up or your website was completed.

If you can't remember your eXtend password (this will be unique for each hosting account you have), you can request a password reset or access it through your customer account, see this help document.

Then, click on "Mail Boxes"

If you want to generate a good, secure password then click on the button to make one for you.

Copy and paste that into the change password box for the mailbox you need to update and then click on MODIFY, below.

You'll need to wait at least 5 minutes for that to take effect and then update the password on all the devices that you use to connect to your email.

Sorry if this is all a bit complicated now, but the new UK GDPR laws have made it necessary and we're not allowed to store or be able to view your email passwords any more.

If you have trouble with this then drop us a line or raise a support ticket and we'll help you with this.

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