Do I need to renew my domain?
Usually, no. Whenever you register or transfer a domain to your Oxford WebHosting account, we set the auto-renew to ON by default so that you are not at risk of losing your prefect domain name.
You might get an email reminding you that the domain is due to be renewed a month or two ahead of time but that's only to remind you that it's about to happen if you ever decide you want to let it expire.Something to watch out for is unscrupulous emails or even letters in the post warning that your domain will expire and you could lose it. They might even ask for money to renew it for you. This is a SCAM! If your domain is registered with us then you only ever pay one annual fee per domain to us, and we'll send you an invoice or reminder directly to you with our name on it.
You can change the auto-renew setting on your domain in the customer account pages.